Code of Conduct
The company philosophy of Helmut Kreutz Mahlwerke GmbH has always included responsible behaviour towards our employees, customers, suppliers and all other companies (e.g., forwarding agents) with whom we cooperate.
In an ever faster changing, highly competitive and globalised world, such a way of acting, compliance with applicable law and ethical principles is becoming more and more important. This has always been our ambition and will continue to be so in the future.
As a company, we are committed to complying with legal regulations and ethical principles. Our Code of Conduct serves as a guideline for living our values in the company and anchoring them in our behaviour.
In addition to our high-quality standards for our products, our environmental and energy management system (according to DIN ISO 14001 / 50001) also serve to implement these values. Hereby we have committed ourselves to protect the environment and to save energy.
True to our company motto “Quality by Tradition”, we want to continue to meet the ever-increasing quality demands of our customers as a world-leading grinding plant.
In this context, our Code of Conduct is of particular importance, as we also expect the value system we live by from our customers, suppliers and all companies involved.
- Scope of application:
The Code of Conduct is one of the foundations of our general terms and conditions. As such, it is also the basis for cooperation with our customers, suppliers and all companies involved.
Furthermore, it applies to all branches of the companies that work with us.
The regulations and courses of action are intended to apply to every person, the companies described above and their subcontractors as well as all other persons involved.The principles and requirements of the Code of Conduct are a minimum standard for Helmut Kreutz Mahlwerke GmbH, also for our suppliers. The Code of Conduct forms the basis for all our business relationships for both customers and suppliers and all other companies (e.g., freight forwarders). - General obligationsn:
- We comply with the laws of the countries in which we maintain business relations.
- Trust, cooperation, flexibility and promptness are guiding principles of our work.
- Implementing the highest possible quality in all areas of business.
- All our decisions are based on objective and measurable criteria.
- Universal ethical principles are a foundation of our decisions and business relationships.
- The results of contract negotiations are documented.
- Responsible corporate governance of the contractual partners:
Compliance with laws:
We ourselves and all companies that work with us undertake to comply with our applicable General Terms and Conditions (GTC ‘s). In addition, we require that the companies comply with the applicable legal provisions, in particular labour and social laws, as well as environmental protection regulations of the countries in which they operate.
Generally accepted and legally permissible business practices are followed and fair competition takes place. There is no participation in collusion, nor is there any behaviour that contradicts German, European or the anti-trust laws of any other country in which the company is active.Corruption and bribery are rejected in the sense of the UN Convention (“UNCAC”).
Consumer interests:
Our company and all of our partners involved must ensure that the products are suitable and safe for the respective intended use. For this purpose, safety data sheets and technical data sheets are available for all our products. Legal limit values must be complied with.
Communication and reporting:
The contents of the Code must be communicated to all direct business partners and also employees. To this end, for example, an announcement is made on our website. - Human rights:
Our company and all business partners involved comply with human rights as defined in the UN Human Rights Charter. We place particular emphasis on the following human rights:
Freedom of expression:
The right to freedom of opinion and expression is protected and guaranteed.
Health and safety:
In the existing work environment, it is ensured that health is maintained and occupational safety is guaranteed in order to prevent accidents and injuries.
Every employee will be protected from physical punishment, physical, sexual, psychological or verbal harassment, as well as abuse.
Protection of privacy:
Human dignity, respect for personal rights and protection of privacy are accorded the utmost importance. We respect different cultural, ethical and religious backgrounds and are committed to the principle of equality regardless of age, disability, skin colour, sexual identity, gender and ideology. - Working conditions:
Compliance with ILO (International Labour Organisation) core labour standards.
These are essentially:- Prohibition of child labour, ILO Convention No. 138 (1973), No. 182 (1999). Prohibition of forced labour, ILO Convention No. 29 (1930), No. 105 (1957).
- Promote and, where possible, ensure equal remuneration for men and women for work of equal value, ILO Convention No. 100 (1951).
- Respect for workers’ rights to the extent legally permissible and possible in the respective country, ILO Convention No. 87 (1948), No. 98 (1949).
- Prohibition of discrimination, especially discrimination against workers on grounds of sex, race, disability, ethnic or cultural origin, religion or belief, or sexual orientation.
Working hours
The maximum working time shall be 60 h or less if specified by the respective national regulation. In each 7-day period, each worker shall have at least 1 day off. - Data protection:
When collecting, storing, processing or transferring personal data of employees, customers or other third parties, the utmost care and strict confidentiality as well as compliance with applicable laws and regulations shall be observed. - Environmental protection:
We are committed to complying with applicable laws and even reducing limits where possible by implementing an environmental management system. Waste quantities are reduced as far as possible. Emissions and immissions are constantly monitored. All interested parties in the sense of the standards are involved.
We expect the same efforts from all our partners with regard to environmental protection, at least compliance with all legal requirements and limit values at the respective locations. For the implementation and control of the measures, all participating companies shall establish an environmental management system.
Ulrike Kreutz